Congratulations on choosing the activity of walking and running! Exercising on a regular basis is one of the best habits you can acquire.

Research has revealed that there are several positive effects of exercise on our physical and mental health.

Exercise like walking and running can also improve:
■ Immune function
■ Cholesterol levels
■ Cardiovascular function
■ Respiratory function
■ Glucose tolerance
■ Self-esteem
■ Mood

Daily physical activity and regular exercise can reduce the risk of:

■ Premature mortality
■ Coronary heart disease
■ Hypertension
■ Certain cancers
■ Osteoporosis
■ Diabetes
■ Obesity

Making the commitment to train for an endurance event such as a 5K, or 10K, is one that you will not regret. We did some good research and put together this 7-week plan to train your body and mind for your 5k and 10k running event.

We have provided a full overview of the program with the details of Week 1 to easily save and do on your own. This plan is designed such that it is easy to understand and follow.

For the full 7-week details please click HERE. This comes at a fee. So lace up your shoes, get fired up, and let the training begin! 

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