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How to Train for a Half-marathon

Your approach to training for a half-marathon will depend on many factors: the time available to train, your running background (novice vs. experienced runner), your current fitness level and mileage, your willingness to commit to a training plan, and your ability to learn and to listen to your body.

That said, if you’re patient and willing to put in the time to develop the endurance to run 21 kilometers (13.1 miles) and learn how to fuel correctly, crossing the finish line can be a memorable and fun experience. To help you get started, here are some general guidelines for half-marathon training.

Step 1. Before You Start Training

Step 2. When Training Starts

  • Avoid doing too much, too soon. This can lead to injury or burnout. Gradually build the endurance to run 13.1 miles over 10 weeks or longer, but don’t increase your long run by more than 10 percent over the previous week. Build endurance before working on speed.

  • Most training plans recommend running at least three days a week, with each run having a specific purpose: speed, tempo, or distance. The speed work helps you get faster; tempo runs help you maintain a faster pace during the event, and the long-distance runs will increase your endurance.

    • Long-distance runs: These runs are designed to gradually build up your long runs to 20km. You should be able to talk during these runs, keeping the pace at a low-to-moderate intensity level. Use these runs to test your fluid and fuel intake needs to see what works best for you.

    • Speed work (for experienced runners): Practice repeats of 400, 800, and 1600 meters on a track. These workouts should be 30 minutes or less with an active recovery period (light jogging or running, or if needed, walking) between each set. Never do any speed work, if you’re injured, feel sore, aren’t recovered from a previous run, or feel like you may be getting injured.

    • Tempo runs: These range from 3 km to 10 km at a faster-than-normal training pace, or 15 seconds faster than your targeted half-marathon per-mile pace. They should be at least 25 percent shorter than your long run. Some people prefer running by time, such as doing two repeats of running for five minutes at tempo (at lactate threshold, or where talking is difficult) with two minutes of active recovery (or jogging) between each five-minute run. You should run for no more than 30 minutes.

Step 3. Nutrition and Cross Training

  • The National Athletic Trainers’ Association recommends drinking 500–600 mL (17–20 oz) of fluids two hours before exercise and 200–300 mL (7–10 oz) of fluids every 10–20 minutes during exercise. For workouts lasting longer than 60 minutes—which is the case during your long runs—switch to a sports drink to replace sodium and carbohydrates. Some runners prefer consuming energy gels with water.

  • Train to race: At half-marathon races, you will find aid stations supplying you with water, sports drinks and nutrition. Find out during training, which fluids and foods you can stomach—literally.

  • Cross-train: Biking, strength training, and yoga or other flexibility/mobility training will help you become more fit and, likely, a better runner. However, it will not substitute for putting in the miles of running.

  • Visit www.mypyramid.gov for nutrition guidance.

    Step 4. On Race day

  • Wake up early on race day and eat a light breakfast two hours prior to your race, such as oatmeal or a bagel with a banana (test different breakfasts before your long training runs), to give you the energy you need to run 13.1 miles. Avoid eating solid foods just prior to your race. This can cause stomach issues or diarrhea. Fiber is not your friend on race morning.

  • Never try any new footwear or apparel on race day, since they may rub, fit too tightly, chafe or be uncomfortable.

  • Finally, don’t get caught up in running out too fast on race day. Run at your own pace and pick up speed during the last six miles to finish strong.